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    Kemsol Spa Bac 5L

    Highly efficient broad spectrum quaternary liquid cationic germicide. It has been specifically developed for the disinfecting of spa baths. Simply clean between guest use to ensure a clean and sanitary environment of all visible and non-visible spa bath surfaces. Specifically designed to eliminate buildup in pipe work, filters and plumbing which can become quickly contaminated.
    SKU: HL807
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    Ensure bath surfaces are clean and fill to usual operating level. Add 40-60ml to a standard 500L spa bath and operate circulating system for 5-10 minutes. Drain and spray and wipe surfaces mixed at 1:4 (20% soln, 200ml per litre) with potable water.




    Ensure bath surfaces are clean and fill to usual operating level. Add 40-60ml to a standard 500L spa bath and operate circulating system for 5-10 minutes. Drain and spray and wipe surfaces mixed at 1:4 (20% soln, 200ml per litre) with potable water.